(Written by Andrew Mickey)

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3 (New International Version)

Joining the Czech mission team this summer was an amazing experience. I grew in many ways and am thankful for the many lessons God taught me. I learned a lot about going out of my comfort zone and talking to people even when I didn’t feel like talking and was exhausted. God also taught me how to focus on others more than myself and to take genuine interest in others, focusing on what they are interested in and their feelings. Coming home having learned these lessons and encouraged in my faith, I was eager to do more with this ministry and was praying that God would give me the opportunity to return on the winter mission team.

This summer, I also started college at the University of Arizona which is in Tucson. Looking forward to the possibility of joining the winter mission team, I was trying to workout if I would be able to go as UofA’s final schedule overlapped with the trip and I couldn’t figure out what days my finals would be until school started. Seeing as we were trying to buy plane tickets before I could figure out my finals, I was somewhat discouraged, but I continued to pray, along with other members of the team, that I would be able to go. God was teaching me to have faith in His plan and provision, and he made it so that my finals would not overlap with the trip, and I was able to go.

The more I think about returning to the Czech Republic this December, the more excited I am. I don’t exactly know what I am most excited about, but there are many things I am looking forward to. I am looking forward to seeing all the Czech students I got to know in the summer and learn more about them and what’s been going on in their lives. Something I loved about the Czech students was their slightly different culture and the way they think about things. As such I look forward to being with them near Christmas to see what it means to them and how they celebrate it.  I am also excited to serve with the rest of the team from our church. The plentiful time with other members of the team, who are all so focused on following God and loving others, was something I appreciated in the summer and that inspired me to be more faithful and bolder. The thought of spending more intentional time with them serving at another English camp because we all love Jesus is delightful. Finally, I am excited to share the good news of Christ, love students, and see their lives changed because of Jesus.

While I am excited, I’m also a little hesitant. I know that it is not my nature to be talkative, engage others, or embarrass myself, but these are things I am going to have to be willing to do on this trip and sometimes the thought of that can discourage me or make me doubtful that I will be of any use. However, I am choosing to hold onto God’s truth that He can use me, and that its not about what I can do or what’s comfortable for me, but what God can do through me.

Prayer Requests

  • Health for the team as we prepare for this trip.
  • Provision of the final supplies and funding (we are really close on both)
  • Wisdom as we work with the Czech team to plan the remaining details.
  • Students with open hearts to attend the camp and English club.