Sunday School Classes

For All Adults

We call adult Sunday School classes “Renew Classes” as a time to study God’s Word more deeply to be transformed and renewed. Our theme verse has been Romans 12:2 (NIV) “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

We’re excited you want to grow deeper in your walk with God through FBC Sunday School. In-person classes start at 9:00am on Sunday mornings. After Sunday School, we’d love for you to join us for the morning worship service LIVE at 10:30am, in-person or online.

In Person Class

Teacher: Pastor Tim Klontz
Topic: Overview of the Bible
Location: Worship Center

In-Person & Online Class

Teacher: Pastor Doug Sandy
Topic: Discipleship & Evangelism
Location: Room 5 and on Zoom

In Person Class

Teacher: Dave Mayer
Topic: John & 1 John
Location: Room 7

For College & Career

Our college/career aged students meet together in Room 8 as a group called Remain, led by Keith and Kaydee Waddel. The goal of Remain is to encourage each other to be devoted to remaining in Christ through college and beyond. The Sunday morning class is an interactive time to study the Bible and seek ways to apply it to life.

For Jr. High & High School Students

Crossways is the group we have for both junior high and high school students (7-12th grade) to meet together for Sunday School. A typical Sunday includes worship and a lesson. Crossways meets in Room 6, and is led by Daniel and Kristi Tekunoff.

For Children 0-6th Grade

The children’s Sunday School classes are broken into 4 different rooms down the Children’s wing (East hallway).

  • The “Hot Shots” class is for children in 4th – 6th grades which meets in Room 1.
  • The “Majors” class is for children in 1st – 3rd grades which meets in Room 2.
  • The “All Stars” class is for our nursery, preschool, and kindergarteners which meets in two adjoining rooms.
    • The Big “All Stars” class is for children ages 2 to 5 and meets in Room 3.
    • The Little “All Stars” class is for babies from infancy to 23 months in Room 4.