Like random snapshots on a cork-board, my head is filled with vivid images from yesterday.  I see Carolyn and Holden tending a camping stove filled with chicken for Holden’s meals.  I see campers huddled on the steps of the dining building, trying to stay dry from the rain while waiting for lunch to begin.  I see the sadness in the face of one of my English students as she realized that she was too sick to participate in the day’s activities.  All of these and more dance around in my head, but there is one image that I keep coming back to:  44 names on separate pieces of paper scattered across the floor.

This image, perhaps the most powerful of the day, happened yesterday afternoon.  Momentum of the camp threatened to stall as many campers started to get sick.  When the leadership realized what was going on, they did exactly what followers of Jesus would have done anywhere else in the world – they called a meeting to pray.  I remember staring at each of the names on the scraps as we lifted up prayers together.  They no longer represented the unknown “students” from the registration forms before camp began.  Instead, each one represented someone I knew (to one degree or another) – people with lives, struggles, and dreams. God has brought the team from FBC to Czechia for this short time to show Jesus’ love to these young people for as long as we are with them.  Honestly, we have only begun to know them, but Jesus knows them each by name and His desire is that all of them come to know him.

In 4 days we will be boarding a plane back to the USA.  Please pray for us that we are able to focus on the mission for as long as we are here.  We have already seen some spiritual breakthroughs.  After tonight’s labyrinth activity, we hope to see many more.  Thank you for joining with us in prayer. We are tired but encouraged.  We look forward to seeing all of you soon.