The main room this morning is dark and silent.  The shades are drawn and no one is up yet but me.  On the table near me is a small blue Bible that someone must have used last night.  The other tables are cluttered with remnants from last night’s activity – Labyrinth.  Labyrinth is an element of each of the summer camps that we have helped lead.  It is an interactive experience that helps students process what they have heard about Jesus.  After the experience, students are invited to visit a prayer room, where they can share their requests with someone else and God, or a “chill” room, where there is the opportunity for unstructured conversation and snacks.  The main room that I am in was used for the later of these purposes.

The American part of all of us is wondering; ‘how many gave their lives to Christ?’  We are all praying for the students that we know to have made commitments to follow Jesus.  The fact of the matter is that sometimes don’t come for months after camp.  We have seen it before, and we will not be surprised if this is what happens here too.  i am encouraged that the two campers that i have been pouring the most into are thinking seriously about the gospel messages they have heard, they continue to be open to deep spiritual discussions, and both went to the prayer room last night.  i know of others that are doing the same.

In addition to Labyrinth yesterday, we also had water day in the afternoon.  Levi was in charge of planning competitions that involved water and getting wet at every station.  It was a bit of a mad scramble to get all of the games set up due to some unexpected logistical issues.  But with a lot of teamwork, the activity was a big hit.

The leaders are beginning to gather now.  We will meet together soon to pray.  Hopefully we will get a better understanding of what God accomplished last night.