I write this final post for our trip from the quiet of my hotel room on the tenth floor of the Hotel Prague International. Overhead the air conditioner pumps out a stream of cool air (a luxury for our trip), and to my right, the darkening skies of the city signal the sun’s slow decent and the end of our final day here. Tomorrow we begin our trip home.
It is hard to describe the emotions that I feel about the return. Of course, I will be happy to be back among my family and the familiar rhythms of life in Arizona. But if I allow myself to admit it, part of me is saddened by leaving behind all the friends and experiences here. Such is the nature of missions work. Our hearts are torn between two different groups of people.
This evening I spent time teaching an FBC Sunday school class from my hotel room and joining the church service online. it was a fitting way to begin reintegration back to Arizona. In another sense, however, those of us who served here for almost an entire month (or even just 2 weeks), can never really quite return to life as it was. We have served God almost full time for our entire trip and that has left its mark. Each of us is praying about how to bring back what God has shown us for more effective ministry.
There will be a special meeting soon to share about this mission trip. More information will be provided later. I hope that you will be able to come in person or view it online. Until then, I hope that these blogs have helped you get a sense of what we have been going through. Thank you for joining us on our journey. We look forward to seeing you stateside.
Signing out for now. To God be the glory!