

(written by Holden Carson) “For I am confident of this very thing, that HE who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬ My mind was boggled by how all the places I went, all the houses I saw, all the...

Returning or not?

I write this final post for our trip from the quiet of my hotel room on the tenth floor of the Hotel Prague International.  Overhead the air conditioner pumps out a stream of cool air (a luxury for our trip), and to my right, the darkening skies of the city signal the...

heading for home…

I am writing this on Saturday evening, Czech time.  Our final responsibilities for camp are now over.  The camp finished well with many tearful farewells.  We trust that Jesus will complete the work that he has begun in the hearts of the students that we met.  It is...


Yesterday marked the final day of camp.  Amid the frenzy of last classes, workshops, games, and farewell note writing, God continued to do a deep work in the hearts of the Campers.  We know of about 5 students (out of 22) that are receptive to the message of the...


The main room this morning is dark and silent.  The shades are drawn and no one is up yet but me.  On the table near me is a small blue Bible that someone must have used last night.  The other tables are cluttered with remnants from last night’s activity –...


Like random snapshots on a cork-board, my head is filled with vivid images from yesterday.  I see Carolyn and Holden tending a camping stove filled with chicken for Holden’s meals.  I see campers huddled on the steps of the dining building, trying to stay dry...