Czech summer weather is unpredictable.  Our day began with winds pushing dark clouds over our camp in the early hours of the morning.  After threatening a real downpour with even a few rumbles of thunder, the clouds moved on with only a few small drops of rain.  The fickle nature of the storm is a good reminder for us on the ministry team that things don’t always happen according to plan, and we need to remain flexible.

Today began our first day of training for camp.  But I think I better bring you up-to-date on the rest of yesterday before we dive into today.

As you remember, we arrived at Prague airport yesterday and were greeted by the Josiah Venture team.  The Family Bible Church missionaries and the other Americans that we work together with showed up on the same flight.  We waited for two more teams to arrive (one from California, the other from Tennessee) before we boarded the bus.  Two other teams from the US were still in transit due to flight cancellations (remain flexible), and one more was expected to arrive from Belfast, Northern Ireland.  Altogether, this group represents seven churches who will be putting together 6 different camps in the Czech Republic beginning this week.

When we arrived at Hotel Malenovice, we were warmly greeted by the Josiah venture Czech leadership and the work began to get everyone’s luggage to their rooms before we grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed for bed.  Among the friendly faces was Carson Slater, who is serving with Josiah Venture as an intern this summer.  Dinner was a simple meal of delicious curried chicken.  The conversation was excited, but also muted by senses dulled by jet lag.

Due to the sheer size of the number of trainees for this session of camps, the hotel where we are training is more than full.  As a result, Chris, the younger kids and I are staying in one of the cabins down the hill (remain flexible).  This is a nostalgic turn for me since this is where we held camp last year.

Most of our team has done a good job starting to adjust to jet-lag.  We slept well and woke up this morning ready for ministry training.  This is a crash course in evangelism, cultural awareness, Czech history, as well as practice doing things that we may be leading at camp (ice-breakers, camp dance, etc.).  My favorite part of these times, however, is the worship time.  It is amazing to be praising God with brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world.

Today ends much as it began.  Another storm blew in with half-hearted bluster, only to leave just as quickly. I am not certain of what is in store for us when camps begin, but I am certain of this:  God has assembled a very talented team of people here at this time.  If previous camps serve as examples, there will be unexpected challenges as well as unexpected joys.  Our goal, as always, will be to fix our eyes on Jesus as we follow His lead in making disciples.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.  We appreciate your interest and support.  Please pray that God continues to use this time to refresh us and equip us for the days ahead.