(Written by Pastor Doug Sandy)

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”  Matthew 28:18-19a

This week we celebrate the send-off of Aidan Carson and Andrew Mickey.  They will be serving all summer long as interns for Josiah Venture.  We are excited for them as they go and are looking forward to seeing them soon when the rest of the Family Bible Church team arrives for training in the Czech Republic in just over one month (wow!).

If you are interested in following along with their journeys, you can reach their individual blogs here:

Many of you have watched how God has used these two young men in ministry at Family Bible Church.  We are excited to see how God uses them abroad this summer!

Specific Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for final preparations for Aidan and Andrew
  • Pray for safe travels as the interns leave for the Czech Republic
  • Pray that preparation for the rest of the team goes smoothly.
  • Pray for health of the mission team and our Czech counterparts.
  • Pray that God draws students for another full camp this year.
  • We are in the early stages of planning for having Czechs visit us.  Please pray that God provides clarity on how this should work.
  • We are exploring having some of our team extend their stay in the Czech Republic this summer to work at another camp.  Please pray for wisdom and God’s guidance.