(Written by: Andrew Mickey)

for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” 2 Peter 1:21 (New American Standard Version)

Preparing to go the Czech Republic this summer has been a big deal for me. It will be a new experience, like nothing I have ever done before. I am not the most talkative person, I am not a very outgoing person, and honestly the thought of this trip sometimes terrifies me. However, over the past few months, this area of talking with others and placing God’s will above my will and over my feelings has been a huge area of growth. I have been thinking and pondering over what God’s will is for me and trying to make the most of every opportunity God has given me to share and show how he has changed my life. I am by no means perfect, and I fail all the time, but God is patient and merciful, and He has placed it on my heart to grow more faithful in this area.

Through this upcoming trip to Czech Republic, I know that despite my feelings, my fears and my failings, God will use me to reach students who need Him and will work all the more through my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). I know that this will not only be a time to disciple students in the Czech Republic and share the love of Christ but also a time of growth for me. But I don’t want my focus to be on me, I want to focus on how I can surrender to God’s will and connect with the Czech students and I know that as I do this and deny my feelings, God will use me and God will grow me into a stronger believer.

A verse that has stuck with me recently has been 2 Peter 1:21. While it may seem somewhat unrelated, I have found it to be very impactful on my view of how I will serve God in the Czech Republic. I know that no meaningful conversations or discipling will come about through myself alone but through the Holy Spirit when I allow Him to guide me and “carry” me along in God’s plan. Nothing truly impactful for the kingdom of God happens by the strength of man not surrendered to God. I want to be a man that God works through and who is fully dependent on him for everything and surrendered to Him in everything. Because of the hope I have in Christ’s power to work through me, I am truly excited to serve on our Czech mission team this summer.

Prayer Requests:

  • Health of the mission team.
  • Outreach to new students for the camp.
  • Passport processing (we are still missing one).
  • Financial provision for both American teams
  • Preparation for the trip goes smoothly.