I am so thankful for each of the members of the mission team that has remained for the second camp. We are working well together, encouraging each other, and having fun while serving Jesus together.

As we move into working at this second camp, the cultural atmosphere has changed.  We are being stretched to think about how to effectively reach not-yet-believers with a very different worldview than we are used to and we have become somewhat nomadic – moving from place to place while living out of our suitcases.  This temporary new reality is taking it’s toll on many of us in the form of homesickness.  We long for the familiar.  We crave stability.

Perhaps this may be just the spiritual question that Jesus is trying to ask us:  “You recognize that you are foreigners, wanderers, and temporarily living in a new place, where will you look to for comfort”.  The book of Hebrews in the Bible describes a number of people who recognized these things and chose to set their sights on heaven and the promises of God.  These faithful examples are commended for their attitudes and the Bible says that God is not ashamed to be called their God.

As we prepare for this next camp, please pray for God’s comfort as we attempt to keep our eyes on Jesus, the reason why we are here.