The clock is slowly ticking toward 7:00am this morning, but as far as I can tell, only two of us are awake so far.  We were told last night that we should attempt to get as much sleep as we can so that we can face the “survival hike” today with as much energy as possible.  Outside, the new day greets us with high, puffy clouds that obscure all but the smallest patches of blue.  Dew drips from the grass and trees.  The air is thick with humidity and temperatures are cool, but not unpleasant.  It looks like a good day for the survival hike – another good day to survive.

But survival is not what we have our sights set on – that bar is too low.  Through Jesus, we are victorious.  We are more than conquerors.  Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is available through knowing and being known by Jesus.  Through Him we have peace, purpose, joy, and a hope of eternal life.

The survival hike today will provide opportunities for the team to have gospel conversations with the students who have come to this camp – at least half of whom do not know Jesus.  Please pray for us that we would see these opportunities as they arise and that the holy spirit of God will draw these students to decisions to follow Christ.  The victory in Christ is meant to be shared and celebrated together.

Please also pray for health for the team as we continue to serve God in this last week of our journey.