(Written by: Sarah Sandy)

“Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Mattew 18:19-20 (New American Standard Bible)

Two of the biggest things that I have been thinking about as I prepare for this upcoming trip is the unity of the Church and the power of prayer. It amazes me how our shared faith brings together people from all around the world. Let me see if I can explain.

About one month ago, I had a really bad migraine headache. I had been resting on my bed in the dark to ease some of the pain but when I attempted to move my legs to get up, I found that they wouldn’t respond. I could wiggle my toes and move my ankles, but the rest of my leg muscles were completely ignoring me. I couldn’t believe it at first, and actually laughed that my legs had become so useless.

After a couple days of immobility, I started wondering if I would be able to participate in the plans that I was looking forward to going to family camp, serving at VBS and in the Czech Republic.  At that point, we had already seen an Emergency Room doctor, and all the tests run showed that there was nothing neurologically wrong with my body. Good news, but I still wanted to know what was wrong with me, and when I would be able to walk again. If I couldn’t walk, I didn’t see how I would be able to go to the Czech Republic.

It was really hard for me to imagine not going because of how much the people and ministry in the Czech Republic mean to me. I love the friends that I have made there. I love how the Czech Christians encourage me as I work alongside them. I love seeing how God is working in the lives of the people we serve.

My mysterious leg problem provided me an opportunity to witness something I would never have seen before – the Church (Americans, Czechs, Columbians, and Ukrainians) united in prayer and concern over my condition. God’s love is not contained by national boundaries, and prayers from my friends, their families and church leaders rang out in Spanish, Czech, Ukrainian, and English on both sides of the Atlantic. This was really touching to me. This was a demonstration of the unity of the Church.

The second thing that I saw in action was the power of prayer. About five days after my legs stopped responding, I began to regain motion. My right leg recovered faster than my left, but I am pleased to say that I am now able to walk completely on my own and I am regaining strength in both of my legs. Praise God! Prayer is so powerful. I have seen it work not only in my life but in the lives of others. I’m praising God with everything surrounding this trip.

We serve an amazing God. The God of the whole world. The God who hears, and the God who heals. I am thankful to share stories of His grace and mercy wherever He takes me next.

Prayer Requests:

  • Health of the entire mission team (Czech and Americans).
  • Outreach to new students for the camp – there is about 1 open spot left now.
  • Purchasing of supplies goes smoothly.
  • Coordination of final details between Czechs and Americans.
  • Praise: God has been faithful, Family Bible Church mission team is fully funded.