We have settled into a rhythm at camp with our days starting at 7:30 with devotion time.  We are busy most of the day with student activities until 11:30pm, then we hastily retreat to bed to repeat it the next day.  My days always end with blog writing to keep you informed of the day that we had.

Today has been a day of highs and lows.  Personally, after the excitement of last night and a good English class this morning, devotion time tonight seemed to stall.  The egg drop festival, country dancing, and bingo workshops that we did were huge successes.  Still others, like my low ropes workshop, were a complete bust. Each of us experiencing breakthroughs or doldrums do various degrees, and health conditions and fatigue are keeping us humble.  This is where encouragement through God’s word and prayer is essential.

For me, one of the high points of the day was Holden’s devotion this morning.  He gave a powerful devotion and testimony of how God has used his health struggles to teach him to trust and follow Jesus better.