Day 6 (July 15)

Day 6 (July 15)

I remember as a child I would often wait by the window when my family was expecting guests.  As soon as their expected arrival time came near, I would place myself in a strategic location where I could view all traffic moving by my street to see if I could catch a...
Day 6 (July 15)

Day 5 (July 14)

Today we said farewell to the Josiah venture leadership and the other camp teams that we trained with.   After lunch we expected to be joined by all the team members from our host church.  In the meantime, however, we worked together with our fellow teammates from...
Day 6 (July 15)

Day 4 (July 13)

Water skiing and I don’t really mix.  I remember drinking what seemed like countless gallons of lake water before I managed my first brief run on double skis. Although I have spent untold hours snow skiing, those skills don’t seem to translate to the water.  My...
Day 6 (July 15)

Day 3 (July 12)

Czech summer weather is unpredictable.  Our day began with winds pushing dark clouds over our camp in the early hours of the morning.  After threatening a real downpour with even a few rumbles of thunder, the clouds moved on with only a few small drops of rain.  The...
Day 6 (July 15)

Days 1-2 (July 10-11)

The engine of the bus we are in quietly whines as we are gently rocked back and forth by the towering vehicle’s suspension.  An abundance of red upholstered seats have allowed our team to spread out through the double-decked interior.  The extra space is a welcome...
Day 6 (July 15)

Day 0 – July 9

Tomorrow morning at 3:30 am we begin a 28 hour journey that will eventually bring us to the camp facilities in Malenovice, Czech Republic where we will spend the better part of the next two weeks.  Some of the team members are in their final stages of packing, but for...