Indescribable Gift Blog Post Archive

Our team of volunteers went to the Czech Republic over the winter of 2023 and these are their thoughts leading up to, during, and after the trip.

December 19

December 19

Endings are hard.  Saying goodbye always has a note of loss in it for me.  The good that we experienced,  the service that we performed, will fade into memory.  The moments we had can never be recreated.  Yet, if I think about it, this isn’t entirely true.

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December 19

December 18

We continue in home stay accommodations through today (Dec 19).  Yesterday Aidan and Andrew had a great side trip to a local school to teach in English classes.  The rest of us had a pretty calm day recovering from the intensity of the weekend.  In the evening, we all regrouped for a follow-up event with the youth group.  It was another great time of fun and conversations with our mini-camp students as well as many that were unable to attend this past weekend.

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December 19

December 17

— Sorry for those following along that this didn’t post yesterday, I’m not sure why.  I hope you enjoy it today —

Yesterday we completed English camp.  Morning started with our regular devotion and worship time, followed by breakfast and a quick camp meeting.  The likeness of Pastor Andrew Carson (by prerecorded video) shared about Jesus as our Prince of Peace and wished us a Merry Christmas.  English lessons filled up the rest of the time before a quick lunch and farewells.  Parents came, students left, and the retreat center was left in much the same way it started.  Empty rooms with stripped beds and chairs stacked atop tables gave little hint of the excitement of the previous 48 hours.

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December 19

December 16

Yesterday, our first and only full day of camp is over.  It went by quickly with laughter, fun and games, English lessons, and of course, lots of conversation about Jesus.  Some of the notable highlights of the day for me were a snowman building contest, a devotion by Jen Carson, a gospel presentation in the evening (and discussion that followed) and impromptu dancing to songs that we learned from summer camp.  This mission, however, has not been without its challenges.  We have all struggled with fatigue as we wrestle with jet lag.  illness has plagued several of the camp leaders (Czech and American alike).  And now as I sit here in dark of the morning with an icy wind blowing outside, I am again praying for the health of the team.  With the joys and challenges, it has given me pause to think about God’s heart for missions.  Why should we do it?

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December 19

December 15

It is now the early hours before dawn.  Yesterday was a full day, but God’s hand was evident throughout.   The facility is quiet now, but the scattered paper cups, empty potato chip bag and drained soda bottles hint at the fact that camp has already begun.  Let me back up and give you a recap of some of the high points.

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December 19

December 14

I don’t think I have ever really talked about the hotel that we stay in when we pass through Prague.  They name “Krystal” (Crystal) might inspire thoughts of elegant chandeliers, fancy carpets, and mints placed on pillows along with the evening turn-down service.  If this is your expectation, it certainly wouldn’t last long. 

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December 19

December 12-13

Airline travel is different for different people.  The general process is the same – get to the airport, check-in, go through security, etc.  However, how we deal with it is different.  For some, the long hours in-plane are spent reading, or watching movies.  For others, talking with seatmates is preferred.  Others still, bring video games to pass the time.  With our team, there was some of all of this going on.  I myself, can’t keep my eyes open and end up sleeping most of the trip.

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December 19

Schedule / Itinerary

Winter Mini-Camp is a ministry of Family Bible Church, in conjunction with the Brethren Church in Český Těšín. This means that Family Bible Church plans the travel, activities, and programs for the camp. The Brethren Church is responsible for meal planning, advertisement, and providing Czech translation and camp leaders. The result is a unique camp experience that is provides both English language learning and gospel conversations, in a laid-back holiday atmosphere.

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“But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.” Hebrews 11:16 (New American Standard Bible)

This is my fifth trip to the Czech Republic in a span of eighteen months and I have two more trips planned before the end of July.  Czech missions are now ingrained into my daily pattern.

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“For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord; I sing for joy at what your hands have done.
How great are your works, Lord, how profound your thoughts!”  Psalm 92:4-5 (New International Version)

Five days… it’s five days until we leave… For the last few months, we’ve been planning for this trip. There have been meetings, itineraries, and checklists to get us ready for the upcoming mission. I thrive on a plan, and we’ve planned well.

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